Governor |
MA DESE Protocols |
Emergency Policy Framework |
Health and Safety Plan |
Scenario 1: Buildings Closed with all students remote learning. |
Establish Consistent Guidelines to Address Multiple Scenarios and Contingencies |
Promoting Behaviors that Reduce Spread |
What if a student or school staff member exhibits symptoms of COVID-19? |
School District Policy and Procedures |
Phased Reopening Plan |
Social, Emotional, and Behavioral |
Specific Action Steps Related to a COVID-19 Reopening Infrastructure |
Maintaining Healthy Environments |
What are symptoms of COVID-19? |
Alternative Grading |
Phase One |
Academic Programming |
Promoting Connectivity and Engagement in a Virtual Learning Environment |
Maintaining Healthy Operations |
Where can my child get tested? |
School District Meetings and Gatherings |
Phase Two |
Physical and Structural Safety |
Leading Social and Emotional Learning |
Preparing for When Someone Gets Sick |
Will COVID-19 testing be offered in schools? |
Use of Transportation Funds for Offsite Instruction |
Phase Three |
Scenario 2: A mixed model of traditional and off-site learning |
Leading Trauma-Sensitive Instruction and Trauma-Skilled Schools |
A student is tested, and the results come back negative for COVID-19. When can they return to school? |
Student, Staff, and Community Health and Safety |
Academic |
Social, Emotional, and Behavioral |
What Additional Services and Support Structures Should Trauma-Skilled Schools Offer? |
What if a student tests positive? |
Student Instruction and Education Services |
Physical & Structural |
Academic and Extracurricular Programming |
Prepare for Potential Changes in Human Resource Management and Contract Negotiations |
What if my child is symptomatic but I cannot get them tested? |
School District Declaration of Emergency |
Social, Emotional, & Behavioral |
Physical & Structural Safety |
Recommended Actions Related to Professional Development and Reopening |
What action will occur if a student exhibits symptoms on the school bus? |
Family Engagement |
Transportation |
Scenario 3: A mixed model of traditional and remote learning with an increased number of students in school buildings |
Suggested Action Steps for Transforming Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment During Reopening and the Coming Academic Year |
What if a student is symptomatic at school? |
Human Resources and Personnel |
Business |
Social, Emotional, and Behavioral |
Anticipating Budget and Fiscal Issues Associated with Reopening |
What if a staffer is symptomatic at school? |
Personnel Use of Leave |
Extracurricular, Activities, & Athletics |
Academic and Extracurricular Programming |
Embrace a New Paradigm for Post-COVID-19 Education |
A family member or another person my child was in close contact with tested positive. What should I do? |
School District Budget Adoption, Amendment and Audit |
Physical and Structural Safety |
How will a school respond to a student or staff member testing positive for COVID-19? |
School District Elections During Emergency |
Scenario 4: Near full capacity of attendance and operations in a traditional setting, with remote learning for students not onsite |
Multiple students and/or staff members test positive. Will the school close? |
Event Planning |
Special Education |
My community is seeing a growing number of COVID-19 cases. Will the schools close? |
School Nutrition |
Federal waiver information |